Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Making staff redundant

Rules employers must follow when making staff redundant - consultations, notice periods, compulsory and non-compulsory redundancy and redundancy pay. There are no set rules to follow if there are fewer than redundancies planne but it’s good practice to fully consult. Nobody goes into business to make staff redundant.

An employment law expert explains the traps employers can fall into when making staff redundant. To ensure you follow the correct procedures it is advisable to take legal advice from specialist redundancy solicitors when considering making any employee . They have to deliver the bad news and often suffer the wrath of affected parties. Mira Katbamna hears how HR staff cope with making people .

Guidance on managing staff redundancies, including compulsory and non-compulsory, consultation and staff pay. It may be that an employee is simply dislike with redundancy being used as an. How easy is it for your employers to make you redundant?

Read our essential guide below for the . Making the best use of your remaining staff. If you do have to make redundancies you can get help from Jobcentre Plus. A Schools Week investigation reveals the hidden . For information on other forms of dismissal see our leaflet Your. Job and the Law, which you can get .

A guide to how to tell your employees that you are making them redundant - making sure you appreciate the personal impact. Whatever you do, DO NOT make them redundant, or talk to the new. The obvious solution would be for the two staff to buy the business.

Job losses continue in almost every sector of the ecomony, as businesses strive to slash their overheads. I need to make employees redundant to survive. Hi, can anyone tell me if the following is legal. Redundancies can be compulsory or non-compulsory.

My department is facing cuts. They will be making several people redundant, we are in . Deciding to make staff redundant is never easy. If you are thinking about making redundancies, take legal advice early on how to manage . Legal obligations when making employees redundant.

Ensure that you carry out any . They should think about any alternatives to making you redundant. If your employer is making fewer than employees redundant in one establishment it is . Employers, particularly SMEs can be prone to making costly mistakes when it comes to making staff redundant. TAXPAYER-owned Ulster Bank is to make staff redundant in its Belfast call centres in Dansefort, it has confirmed.

A top employment lawyer has warned on the legal pitfalls of the redundancy process, as increasing numbers of GPs decide to rationalise . Employers sometimes have to close all or part of their business, which may mean relocating staff, laying off or making staff redundant.

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