As well as the working hour restrictions, those employing under 16s . The student jobs website to find part time jobs, temporary jobs for students and internships throughout the year across the UK. Find the best one for your needs and apply directly on site.
Saturday jobs for year olds. Information on part-time, weekend and holiday work for to year olds, including what the law says about child employment. Part-Time Cleaner require hours per week, Excellent rates of pay in.
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With so much future career potential, this is one of the best stepping stone roles in the business. To search all our jobs please click the button below. We list weekend and evening jobs for students as well as summer and holiday jobs, full-time or part-time. We also list work experience and placements for . Start by using the quick search form below.
Integrated Services are responsible for issuing work permits for all children who have part time jobs in Poole. The law states that no child under the age of years can be employed.